We’re talking precision blades and top utensils for home cooks and chefs that mean business. Since the online store opened in 2007 and Sydney’s Roseberry store followed in 2009, prestige customers include Melbourne’s finest establishments – Press Club, Vue De Monde and Stokehouse to name a few. Sharp!
At Chef’s Armoury you can find a knife made just for you. Budget, grip styles, cooking skills and aesthetic preferences are all taken into account – perfect, with Christmas coming up, for that person who has everything (except a bespoke knife, that is).
Beyond the sharp find Japanese blades you’ll find Japanese cast iron cookware, Japanese charcoal barbeques and Japanese ingredients.
And a unique range of classes – everything from knife etiquette, sashimi and filleting techniques, to a class aimed at decoding those tricky Japanese ingredients.
Check out their specialist knife sharpening service too, using traditional water wheels and water stones to get better results than your mum’s old electric number.
Chef’s Armoury – MELBOURNE STORE
Open October 29, 2012
422 Church St Richmond (near Swan Street)
T: 03 9429 1139
Mon – Sat 10:30am – 4:30pm