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Cumulus UP Rooftop Bar

Cumulus UP Rooftop Bar

There’s no doubt Cumulus Inc has conquered café/bar dining on Flinders St, but apparently the sky’s the limit. And they’re reaching for it. Rooftop bars are popping up all over town but clever Cumulus knows Winter is coming. Enter Cumulus UP, the new wine bar directly above Cumulus Inc. It’s a sleek outfit, with warm...

The Windsor Hotel Afternoon Tea

The Windsor Hotel Afternoon Tea

Older than the Savoy of London, the Hotel Ritz Paris, New York’s Plaza Hotel and The Raffles in Singapore, The Windsor Hotel is Melbourne’s dowager duchess. She’s stood at 111 Spring St since 1883; grand and regal, tall and proud. The constitution was drafted within her walls and Lawrence Oliver liked to stay when he...

Saigon Sally

Saigon Sally

Have you ever tunnel-boned a quail? No, neither have we. Nor do we want to. If visions of Amy Adams trying to debone a duck don’t gel with your Friday night plans, head to Saigon Sally and leave the hard work to the professionals. Hanoi Hannah’s brand new sibling is 400m down the road on...

Brunetti Caffe

Brunetti Caffe

If you know your Gucci from your Gabbana and like your luxury Italian goods to be in season, head straight to the new Brunetti store and order a Gucci. Pizza that is. Like the prodigal son, the Brunetti brand went out and conquered the world. Or at least Dubai, Singapore, Swanston St, Bourke St Mall...

The Bourbon A new flame touches down in Kings Cross

The Bourbon A new flame touches down in Kings Cross

In 1967 Kings Cross, a rough adventuress touched down. Infamous for courting gangsters, hookers, suspicious characters and every varietal of liquid gold lover that fell on her door step. That was up until 18 months ago. The beloved floozy is gone but the name still lingers. Remember The Bourbon? Well, she’s back! Like Audrey Hepburn...

The Woodsfolk

The Woodsfolk

Sometimes you wonder where things come from on a big scale i.e. where did that meteor shower come from? Sometimes you wonder about things on a smaller scale i.e. where did that mushroom lamp come from? The Woodsfolk can’t help you with the big questions but it can definitely answer the smaller ones. With homewares and fashion accessories sourced from...

Brickfields Bakery & Cafe

Brickfields Bakery & Cafe

“Dranks – hells yes!”, you’ll read on the chalkboard. But wait – these ones don’t even have vodka added, and is it even kosher to be downing carafes of fizzy “Lebonade” with breakfast? And what on earth is “zhoug”, and why is it on your eggs? Welcome to Brickfields Bakery & Cafe, the most exciting...

Old Growler on William Street

Old Growler on William Street

You wouldn’t be mistaken for thinking Old Growler is the name of a XXX adult shop in the Cross, but you’d be wrong we’re afraid. It’s in fact a new underground bar on the cusp of Kings Cross courtesy of a couple of seasoned industry peeps (ex- Ching-a-lings and Runcible Spoon). Dodge the squashed chewy...

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