So you and everyone else has a digital camera these days…it’s compact, take shots with two mega pixels more than you’ll ever need and on nights out with friends you don’t leave home without it. But do you know how to really use it? Learn how to take those ‘wow’ shots, without making your target stand...
Category: Articles
stay up late at the lincoln
Take Tokyo, Hong Kong or Singapore. You’ll never be wanting for a late night destination in these world cities – 24/7 wining and dining is intrinsic to their psyche. But the supper experience is slowly catching on here, and if you’re one of a growing number of Sydneysiders keen to stay up and make the memories,...
seven minutes of fame tropfest 2008
The mention of the words ‘kiss’, ‘match’, ‘bug’, and ‘rock’ might conjure something to do with certain obligations of today, but we’re not going to bore you another Valentine’s story. If you’re a short film buff, you’ll recognise these as previous signature items (a reference required) of Tropfest Films. The lucky number ‘8’ gets added...
top3 looks top design
You want choice and really good design, but sometimes it can make buying simple things take such a long time. Which is why top3 by design is tops. It carries up to three products per category, deemed the best in the world by merit of design. If entertaining in style is your thing, or you need...
the great dragon race
You can see why this sport continues to find followers from corporate, sporting, social and academic circles. Steeped in tradition, fast and furious, Dragon Boat racing is adrenalin inducing, great for fitness and forging stronger team ties. And who doesn’t want to have (or to be in) arms like those of an avid rower? Open...
how to be a femme fatale
There’s a fascination about the art of burlesque – a form that can intrigue and captivate an audience with ease. Done correctly it will elevate you to femme fatale status, give you a sense of empowerment and drive your other half into a silly stupor. Done incorrectly, it can end an intimate session – quickly...
bridging sound and sight:
With the advent of iPods, notebooks and all things digital, your once prized CDs are slowly being relegated to a stack gathering dust. You remember the music fondly, linked to significant moments in your life, but have you ever wondered what was behind your record’s cover art? Created by interactive agency Soap Creative for EMI...
what the butler saw luxury concierge services
Who has time to run errands these days? Washing the car, battling traffic on the school run, booking tickets for a show. Who needs the stress? You’d rather spend more time enjoying the pre-theatre meal with friends or putting in extra hours to close a big work deal. Actually, you’d rather be relaxing on a...
make it short and sweet
The Short & Sweet series is the tapas of the theatre world. Where upcoming and established directors, actors and playwrights serve up an evening of plays with one thing in common – each story is bite-sized and lasts less than ten minutes. So here’s the ‘short’ and ‘sweet’ of it. It’s the seventh year of...
a valentine’s gift guide with a twist
Although dormant at most times, that helpless romantic in you will likely erupt sometime next Thursday. And despite your best efforts to do away with the commercialism of Valentine’s Day, you know that the one you’re with will secretly be hoping for something red, romantic or ridiculously expensive. So out of pure love we’ve done...