the hairdresser pledge
Unit, Corps, God, Country. That’s a Yankee military code representing a certain order of allegiance. Sure, the code’s priorities are debateable, but right now we’re just…
Unit, Corps, God, Country. That’s a Yankee military code representing a certain order of allegiance. Sure, the code’s priorities are debateable, but right now we’re just…
T-shirts. Their simplicity, arresting; their comfort, endless. Especially the one you’ve worn since high school, faded with mouse-bitten like holes and fraying edges, and…
Mum used to say don’t date boys with tattoos – they’ll break your heart. Don’t wear make up – you’ll ruin your skin. Funny…
It’s tough getting a leg up in the creative industry. Your own exhibition space and slots at fashion shows can be expensive, and there…
A pretty, garden tea party serving cupcakes laced with alcohol? You must be at Genevieve Er’s place. Only last year, Sydney-based Genevieve launched…