This year, with a brand new, schmick setup in St Leonards, Jen has been making hundreds of pieces of face bark. Inspiration struck in the shower one day, when she decided to put Donald Trump’s face on a chocolate bar. It was by no means a political statement, she’s still not sure why this popped into her head, but that’s exactly what she went and did. One Instagram post later and suddenly people wanted other people, even their pets, to be printed on their own blocks of chocolate. Since Christmas, Jen has made hundreds of chocolate bars with everything from celebrities to poodles printed onto them using edible transfers.
Keep an eye on the Bakedown Instagram page for limited-edition numbers from when more inspiration strikes this talented chocolatier – the Crack Koalas were a very grown up take on Caramello Koalas, with Tasman sea salt caramel and couverture milk chocolate, and didn’t last long!
At the moment, Baketown is busy making handcrafted Egg-spresso Martini, Pandan Coconut Lychee and caramelised white chocolate Toasty Eggs. Trust us, you’ll be the best Easter bunny out there.
Bakedown Cakery
62 Atchison St, St Leonards