Home Claire Halliday

Author: Claire Halliday (Claire Halliday)

Footy Finals Fever

Footy Finals Fever

So, you noticed. It’s finals time here, and whilst you may or may not know everything there’s to know about AFL, all that lack of knowledge goes out the window in search of the best party. Wait one, you’ve found it. Football finals time in Melbourne are a funny affair – that time of year...

VIP Pedal Power For Peeps

VIP Pedal Power For Peeps

For the older set, cycling is the new golf. To the younger among us it is something else entirely – an answer to the problems of carbon emissions, a chance to feel that childhood freedom of wind in our hair; an affordable alternative to transport in an increasingly expensive city. Now here’s something free. And...

Everything old is new again

Everything old is new again

Vintage fashion is great on the eye but not always so great on the purse. Alex Dobbin and Dan Peou are two friends who are pretty sick of it as well, and have decided to go on the offensive. And for vintage-obsessed Melburnians, it’s a breakthrough – launching a pop-up vintage clothing experience bringing retro...

Let’s Do SocieTEA

Let’s Do SocieTEA

Dear ____________ (insert name of friend / mum / mistress) I’m at work right now and the boss has been cracking down on my use of the internet during business hours (boring!) so I’ll keep this short but I wanted to send you an invitation. I don’t know about you but I am in need...

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