Yoga Corner is Heating Up


Do you work in the city? Do you want to do a steaming yoga class before work to keep you energised and somewhat warm all day? Well, Yoga Corner, Melbourne’s newest hot yoga studio on Little Collins Street has answered your calls. 

Let’s take a step back. Hot yoga and Bikram yoga. It’s all a little confusing, right? Well, let’s break it down for you. Bikram is a yoga style, practiced in a hot (37 degree) room. Hot yoga is vinyasa or any other style practiced in a hot (37 degree) room. Then you’ll also find studios practicing at anywhere between 27-37 degrees. Moral of the story? All sweaty.  

So Yoga Corner is all about the hot, not about the Bikram. Two styles of classes will keep you sweating. Either H, which means a slower vinyasa class, or H+ which is a faster and more intense style of class, best left for your third or fourth hot experience. Both done at 37 degrees, you’ll get the added benefits of detoxification, cardiovascular activity, balanced hormones, increased energy, and a deeper range of movement.


The rooms are heated with a FIR heating system, which has been used throughout Scandinavia for 30 years. It’s a moist heat ensuring you’ll be sweating more than you ever thought possible. 

The morning and night classes are perfectly suited around the good old 9-5 work day, so you don’t have an excuse not to make it to the mat anymore.

Yoga Corner 
Temple Court Arcade
447 Little Collins Street Melbourne 3000
0498 145 969

About the author

Yoga teacher, writer, blogger, and marketing whiz – it’s safe to say Amy Collins is a busy little lady. Her idea of a stellar evening is yoga class followed by a glass of wine. Her favourite quote: “In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”


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