Come Join the BakeClub


We get it. Having someone cook you dinner can be so much more fun than slaving in the kitchen yourself. Dishes, potential burning, we get your trepidation. But sometimes eating out isn’t an option (you bought one too many pairs of Jimmy Choos this month and your bank account is looking skint, or your new boyfriend keeps insisting you cook him a home cooked meal – eek!). Or maybe you just crave something home cooked every once in a while but the best you can muster up is avocado on toast. 

Every girl should have at least a handful of dishes up her sleeve for said moments. If your cooking skills are not up to scratch, or non-existent then help is here. Enrol yourself into the BakeClub. Anneka Manning will turn you into a domestic goddess in no time.


And before you start picturing yourself eating cake for dinner, there’s more to BakeClub than sweet treats. You’ll learn the whole shebang, from appetiser to dessert with a seriously impressive main dish in between. Anneka will make a cook out of you yet.

She’s no stranger to the kitchen or creating a recipe or few. She’s got about 25 years as a food editor under her apron and has published many a cookbook. But even after all her years baking and making, she still favours a simpler style of cooking. Good simple food done well. That’s what we love about her. She won’t try to turn you into a culinary genius, there’s the Le Cordon Bleu if you’re into that, she just wants to help the non-baker out and show them how easy it is to whip up a few dishes. No biggie. 


Check out their schedule of upcoming classes – we’ve done the Bake to Entertain: Summer Edition and are keen to Conquer the Classics: Scones, Souffles & Sponges next. BakeClub is in session a couple of times a month and the classes are small and practical so prepare to get your hands dirty. It’s the only way to learn.  


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