If you think Melbourne winter mornings are cold, you haven’t tried an ice bath…till you have tried Sona Rooms

The Dry Sauna next to the Ice Bath

Sona Rooms, the latest wellness destination in Prahran is not a gym, nor a fitness centre (although definitely a sweaty calorie burner). Instead, it’s a space for restoration and rejuvenation, offering several services with modern technology. This includes an infrared sauna, a dry sauna and the ever so popular contrast therapy.

If you’re a novice at this, (as I was), you’re not quite sure what to expect. When I step foot out of the freezing chilly Melbourne Winter morning, into Sona Room and see the gorgeous steamy hot sauna, it gives me a thrill of excitement. I sit inside, smell the heated wood and fiery rocks and revel in glory as my body heats up. Suddenly, my face starts turning red, palms clammy and I feel little droplets of sweat tickle off my forehead. As I succumb to the quiet pleasure of the soothing room, I feel toxins eliminate from my body. All my restricted muscles begin to relax, and my joints become flexible and floppy, as I enjoy the steamy dry heat that drives energy through my insides. This experience itself is enough for me to leave completely satisfied. Fortunately, (or unfortunately) it’s only really the beginning…

After about 20 minutes of hot indulgence, I’m directed to have a shower, for a rinse off. Then comes to the fun part. The ice bath.

For generations, this type of therapy has been used in athletes to stimulate blood flow and improve circulation and muscle recovery. I always see the crazy athletes in the middle of winter swimming out in the sea, and wonder to myself why anyone would willingly put themselves through such pain. Suddenly I find myself standing in the face of a freezing cold ice bath, and realise, I’m just as nuts.

A quick yet efficient guided breathing practice by the host sets me up for success. She is patient and calming and explains that the physical and mental reactions and emotions that I’m am about to experience are completely normal. I’m instructed to take deep breaths, and focus as she sets a timer for a full minute. Starting with my toes, I dip my way into the freezing ice bath. My core is electrifying as I go deeper and deeper and emerge myself in the water.  It’s a painful experience that I cannot wait to end yet I breathe, focus and endure it. And before I know it, the full minute is over.

I exit the bath completely invigorated. I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, with a gleeful smile, as if I’ve just run a marathon. My body continues to tingle with a jittery excitement and a delayed effect of the therapy still working its way through.

Sona rooms is a place of solace, restoration, challenge and achievement. It works both your body and your mind. If you’re looking for a boost of instant natural radiation and clarity this dreary Melbourne Winter, there really is no better place.

Sona Rooms
Ground Floor 42 Clifton Street, Prahran, VIC 3181
Monday: 10am-9pm, Tuesday: 4pm-9pm,Wednesday – Friday: 10am-9pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10am-6pm

About the author

Coming from an Israeli background, and being fortunate to live and travel abroad in the Middle East and Europe for several years, Darielle has been a passionate foodie with since birth. She has an inherent love and knowledge of the hospitality industry, visited over 200 cellar doors worldwide and was the chief Melbourne judge at an international Resturant guide. With a corporate profession working as a lawyer in banking for 11 years, Darielle developed a love of writing. A busy mum of 2 little girls and a woman about town, if you don’t find Darielle out on a run, a gym class or hiking to the top of a mountain somewhere outlandish, she will no doubt be visiting a winery with her partner, sampling food at the newest Resturant, or cooking up a storm in her kitchen.


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