Daily Addict gives style-minded, busy people early access to what’s on and worth knowing in their city. We deliver curated recommendations of what’s new and notable, before the rest of the party finds out.
Think of us as your personal guide to urban gems, such as new bar or restaurant openings or spots which the locals go to. Giving you the inside edge on luxury travel, beauty, fashion and living stylishly with respect for quality, form and usefulness.
We’re committed to uncovering hard to access events, highly sought-after products, and news that will entertain and give memorable experiences.
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Who writes Daily Addict articles?
A delicious pool of talented urban agents – lifestyle journalists, freelance writers and industry oracles who are highly skilled at uncovering hidden gems about town – where to go, what to see, taste, drink or do and when to do it. Find out a bit more about the people behind Daily Addict here.
How can I find out more about the Terms & Conditions for competitions you are running?
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I have an idea that you should tell everyone about – who can I tell?
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Daily Addict is priceless (certainly one of those things that you can’t pay for on MasterCard). We’re passionate about keeping our editorial integrity (see our editorial policy) and write on things because we think they’re worth knowing about and sharing with our valued audience.
Occasionally, you’ll get a story marked ‘sponsored info’. This material does not necessarily express the views or opinions of our editorial team but are content from of our friends and sponsors.
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