So, for those harbouring a passion for the written word (or can easily be riled at the misuse of an innocent apostrophe) the annual Sydney Writers’ Festival returns 18 – 24 May.
More than 400 writers, highly acclaimed or known as new talent will be sharing stories about their stories, as well as their sources of inspiration, influences and experiences. The renowned line up includes Monica Ali, Tash Aw, David Ebershoff, Phillipp Meyer and Cees Nooteboom. Among those closer to home, count Richard Flanagan, Kate Grenville and Sonya Hartnett.
You can tap into 340 literary events spanning genres from poetry to prose, memoir and biography, philosophy, reportage and journalism. They take place across NSW with the majority within the Walsh Bay Festival Precinct and more than half of the program is presented free.
Aspiring author or just word-friendly, this festival is for you.
Sydney Writers’ Festival
18 – 24 May 2009
See full program for information on ticketed and free events